Space Jam: A New Legacy (2021), also known as Space Jam 2, brings back the beloved mix of animation and live-action as it blends the world of Looney Tunes with NBA superstar LeBron James. Directed by Malcolm D. Lee, this follow-up to the 1996 cult classic introduces a new generation to the high-energy, comedic adventure of an animated basketball showdown. However, this time, the stakes are even higher as LeBron must win a game not just for glory, but to save his son.
About Space Jam: A New Legacy
In this action-packed adventure, a rogue artificial intelligence (AI) kidnaps the son of basketball icon LeBron James and forces him into a virtual reality world. The only way LeBron can rescue his son is by teaming up with Bugs Bunny and the rest of the Looney Tunes crew to defeat the AI in an epic basketball game. Featuring stunning visuals, humor, and appearances from various Warner Bros. characters, the film delivers fun and nostalgia while exploring themes of family, technology, and teamwork.
- Release Date: July 15, 2021
- Directors: Malcolm D. Lee
- Writers: Leo Benvenuti, Steve Rudnick, Timothy Harris
- Stars: LeBron James, Don Cheadle, Cedric Joe
- Genre: Animation, Adventure, Comedy
- Rating: ⭐️ 4.4 / 10 (based on 64,108 user ratings)
- Runtime: 1h 55min
- Language: English
- Country of Origin: United States
Where to Watch Space Jam: A New Legacy [2021]
You can stream Space Jam: A New Legacy on HBO Max or rent/purchase it on platforms like Apple TV, Prime Video, or Google Play. Enjoy the blend of real-world sports and animated fun as LeBron and Bugs Bunny lead an all-star team to victory!
How to Download Space Jam: A New Legacy [2021]
You can now download Space Jam: A New Legacy with subtitles through Naijverse! Naijverse has made it easy for you to get this fun-filled animated adventure right at home. Click the link below to start your download and dive into this family-friendly film featuring basketball action, hilarious animated antics, and epic showdowns.
While Space Jam: A New Legacy might not live up to its predecessor in terms of critical acclaim, it provides plenty of entertainment for younger audiences and fans of Looney Tunes. LeBron James takes on a challenging role, and the film features several cameos and pop culture references that give it a modern flair.
Don’t miss out on this fun crossover between sports and animation—stream or download it today and enjoy the ride!
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