Krapopolis (2023)

Krapopolis (2023) is an animated comedy series created by Dan Harmon, known for his unique brand of humor in shows like Rick and Morty and Community. Set in ancient times, Krapopolis follows a dysfunctional family composed of humans, gods, and monsters as they attempt to build one of the world’s first cities. With a mix of mythology, fantasy, and sharp wit, the show delves into the hilarious and chaotic process of running a city where everyone has their own agendas—and sometimes, murderous tendencies.

About Krapopolis

Krapopolis takes a comedic spin on the ancient world, blending fantasy elements with modern humor. The series explores themes of family dysfunction, power struggles, and absurdity as humans, gods, and monsters co-exist in a chaotic and unpredictable society.

  • Release Date: September 24, 2023 (United States)
  • Stars: Richard Ayoade, Matt Berry, Pam Murphy, Duncan Trussell, Hannah Waddingham, Eric Bauza, Michael Urie
  • Genre: Animation, Comedy, Fantasy
  • Rating: ⭐️ 6.4 / 10 (based on 2,796 user ratings)
  • Language: English
  • Country of Origin: United States

The Storyline

Set in ancient Greece, Krapopolis follows the exploits of a flawed family who are far from ordinary. The head of the family, Tyrannis (voiced by Richard Ayoade), is a mortal king trying to manage his kingdom while dealing with the chaos that comes from having a family that includes gods and monsters. His father, Shlub (voiced by Matt Berry), is a half-centaur, half-manticore creature, while his mother, Deliria (voiced by Hannah Waddingham), is an unpredictable goddess of self-destruction and madness.

The show’s plot centers on Tyrannis’ attempts to bring order to his city while keeping his eccentric and often destructive family from tearing everything apart. With mythical creatures, divine powers, and human failings constantly colliding, the series offers a humorous exploration of the chaos that ensues when gods, humans, and monsters attempt to co-exist.

Animation and Visuals

The animation of Krapopolis follows the distinct style that fans of Dan Harmon’s work have come to expect—bright, colorful, and full of exaggerated expressions. The visual style enhances the comedic moments, with the mythical setting providing the perfect backdrop for the absurdity that unfolds.

Why You Should Watch Krapopolis (2023)

If you enjoy animated comedies that mix sharp humor with mythology and fantasy, Krapopolis is a must-watch. Dan Harmon’s signature style of blending witty dialogue, dysfunctional characters, and chaotic scenarios shines through, making the series a fun and engaging experience. Fans of shows like Rick and Morty or The Simpsons will find plenty to love in the bizarre and humorous world of Krapopolis.

The show’s exploration of ancient gods, mythical creatures, and human absurdities makes it a refreshing and entertaining take on fantasy storytelling, with a cast of characters who are both relatable and hilariously flawed.

Where to Watch Krapopolis (2023)

Krapopolis is available for streaming on major platforms such as Hulu and Fox, where viewers can follow the comedic escapades of Tyrannis and his dysfunctional family as they navigate the challenges of running a mythical city.

Download Season One

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Krapopolis offers a delightful mix of fantasy, comedy, and dysfunctional family dynamics, all set against the backdrop of ancient Greece. With its sharp writing, unique premise, and talented voice cast, the show promises to deliver plenty of laughs and memorable moments. Whether you’re a fan of mythology or simply looking for a new animated comedy to enjoy, Krapopolis is a series that shouldn’t be missed.

Don’t miss out! Tune in to Krapopolis for a hilarious look at what happens when gods, humans, and monsters try to run a city.


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